Tuesday, October 20, 2009
writting blogs
Dear Blog,
Wah. Wah. Wah.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
The end.
('cause thats how most of my blogs go?)
I guess I'm just not in a mood for blogging.
Wah. Wah. Wah.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
The end.
('cause thats how most of my blogs go?)
I guess I'm just not in a mood for blogging.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
New to Facebook.. haha
Ummm, so i'm tired of everyone asking me if I have a facebook... so I FINALLY got one.
yeah, I'm done. Link is on the page.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Paranormal Activity (sorry its long)

First, I have to tell you, then when it comes to horror movies, I am one tough person to impress. Movies about "possession" rarely got a gasp out of me. Movies like The Exorcism of Emily Rose and The Exorcist made me laugh more than they made me cringe.

Second, Anyone who knows me has heard me go on and on about Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson along with Steve and Tango of the TAPS Paranormal Investigation team based out of Warwick, Rhode Island and their very famous show Ghost Hunters on Syfy- (don't get me started on that new name) and know that I looooove that show. One of my old co-workers told me that she was once apart of a paranormal investigation team and me eyes lit up! The idea of collecting evidence to show anything out of the range of what we believe is physically possible- or even as Jason and Grant say, disproving what the mind thinks is out of the ordinary, is crazy, ridiculous, and best of all.... FUN as HELL! (literally?)
I had heard about this movie that looked very Blair-Witch, Open Water, Cloverfield-esk, but had to do with the paranormal- I was intrigued. It made me think, with Discovery Channel coming out with a new show this season called Ghost Lab, and that stupid ass show on A&E about some kid who locks his team up overnight and is way too dramatic for their own good- has Hollywood cashed in on this growing field of horror? I did some more poking around on the internet and looked on youtube.com for some good old fashioned TAPS moments to get me into the mood of my very own investigation, when I found some "evidence" that someone had put together of what appears to be Grant fubbing some evidence to make it seem paranormal- when it obviously was not....

Why do I have this obsession with the paranormal? Do I blame it on the fact that when I was a child, the only movie I ever wanted to watch was GHOST with Patrick Swayze and Whoopi Goldberg before going to bed? I don't really know, but it has become more and more of an overwhelming curiosity...
Unfortunately, the movie Paranormal Activity has not started up in the rinky-dink theatre we have in Salisbury, so my wait would have to be just a bit longer than I had hoped.... until I made plans to go see Kayla in Virginia Beach, and found out the VA Beach theatre (the only one in VA) was ACTUALLY playing it... and my inner girly girl went OHHH MYYYY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TOTALLY WANT TO SEE THAT.
It took some convincing for Kayla and Tony to go, but once the tickets were bought- that was it! We were done!! (Unless it was any worse than District 9... then I'd just have to leave the theatre disappointed again.)
It started out just as I had expected: introduce the characters as normal and plain joe and jane, a loving couple with the same problems as everybody else but with the whole "I've been a target for paranormal activity since I was 8" thing. The dialogue was unrehearsed, the fights were real, the reactions were perfect. Then the camera was set up in the bedroom, wide angle on the whole bed, and down the hall... the kids next to me kept saying "take your damn top off... I want to see her boobs!" After rolling my eyes and turning my attention to the screen, something happened... my heart started to pound....
time stamp on the bottom of the screen fast forwards an hour or so...
the door creeks slowly as it moves about a foot, and then back to it's full open position.
the screen goes black, and its daylight again. The review the evidence in the morning together, gasp and set it all back up for the next night. It continues for 3-4 weeks, we see the "highlights" of the paranormal goings-on...
By about the 14th night, when the screen went black, the crowd would all hold their breath, some would scream " JUST GET OUT OF THE %^&* HOUSE!" and girls would cover their faces with their fingers wide open to peek out from behind them. People would groan everytime a new night started because we knew something creepy was going to happen.
I'm not going to give any more details of the movie, but let me just say... leaving the movie theatre my throat was sore for my blood curdling scream that instinctively came rushing out of my chest, and the only question that remained was "WAS THE REAL?"
The answer is ....
No. it's not. I looked it up on the movie's website. I'm disappointed as hell,

because that would've been honestly... the scariest, most horrifying night of my life. Or at least it would've been until I set out own my own investigation and possibly met up with the same forces face to face, or ehm... black mass...
So, I don't want to hear it from anyone. "OMG that movie had no credits, it's real! Holy crap it's real! AHHH!
because it's not. & I'm sad. However, congrats to the writer, director, editor Oren Peli and the millions of dollars he will be getting for making this generations best horror flick... ever.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Telephone Conversations
So I'm pretty happy right now because I just got off the phone with my girl, Kiwi. Yes, her name is Kiwi and if you know her, well you're just that much cooler.
Anyway, I love it when you can not talk to a person for a while and then have a completly random conversation and have those moments of silence and be SO comfortable with them. I was reading something on the internet and she was doing something for a breif moment, honestly it was about 3 seconds, and I realized we were listening to each other breathe- which might be weird- but it was comfortable. We used to be able to sit in the same room for hours, or out on the porch smoking and not say a word.... and sometimes, just like in How I Met Your Mother we can have those Lily and Marshall moments where we can have a whole conversation with our eyes.
Its nice to have a friend where you can enjoy their company without having to make that pesky conversation.
I don't like talking much. Unless I'm ranting, and then I can seem to go on forever.
Bryan can tell you that.
Anyway, I love it when you can not talk to a person for a while and then have a completly random conversation and have those moments of silence and be SO comfortable with them. I was reading something on the internet and she was doing something for a breif moment, honestly it was about 3 seconds, and I realized we were listening to each other breathe- which might be weird- but it was comfortable. We used to be able to sit in the same room for hours, or out on the porch smoking and not say a word.... and sometimes, just like in How I Met Your Mother we can have those Lily and Marshall moments where we can have a whole conversation with our eyes.
Its nice to have a friend where you can enjoy their company without having to make that pesky conversation.
I don't like talking much. Unless I'm ranting, and then I can seem to go on forever.
Bryan can tell you that.
Friday, April 17, 2009
........ .... ... ...... procrastination.
Looking down at the daily sales, seeing how not even a strong inositol sale with save our horrible day, the beep from the front door drags my eyes to the soft baby blues staring back at me. I immediatly smile and struggle to ask if there is anything I can do for the new comer. After a smile back and a polite nod no, he quickly walks to the back end of the store. I drop my head back down to the paper with the numbers.. those taunting numbers that seem to say: "You'll never achieve me." Just like everything else in this world.
Everyone has their woe story, tough times that make them a better person. Sometimes, I'll let people into my little woe story of my own. But since I have no idea on how to end it on a good note, I never feel the person is really listening to me. All they hear is; "wah, wah... haha, wah, and oh yea, WAHHH!!!" But it's getting to the point that I feel like NO one understands me, and the people that did or have known me well don't understand whats going on now. So I'm writing a story....
and it is coming. Just not yet.
I think I might procrastinate just a bit longer.
Because you don't want to read about that anyway.
Everyone has their woe story, tough times that make them a better person. Sometimes, I'll let people into my little woe story of my own. But since I have no idea on how to end it on a good note, I never feel the person is really listening to me. All they hear is; "wah, wah... haha, wah, and oh yea, WAHHH!!!" But it's getting to the point that I feel like NO one understands me, and the people that did or have known me well don't understand whats going on now. So I'm writing a story....
and it is coming. Just not yet.
I think I might procrastinate just a bit longer.
Because you don't want to read about that anyway.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Drugs and their Perscribers
Living in America is a wonderful thing...
I had a customer come in and tell me a wonderfully amazing story of how she met a man in Africa who gave a tribe a supplement to help keep them healthy, while all the other surrounding tribes fell sadly to AIDS over the course of months, his tribe was alive and well, for the next five years. What was this wonderful supplement?
I had the same customer tell me that when she asked her doctor of this wonderful supplement, he said that yes, he and his wife both take it. When she asked why she was never told of this "miracle" drug, he responded with; "I am not allowed to."
Being as that doctors are backed by the pharmaceutical companies, and let's face it, that's where the money comes from, why would doctors tell people about natural remedies for things that can help their condition? People would never come back to their doctors for things such silly things.
Yes the Internet as made it possible for people to do all their own research on things, but we all know that the Internet can and is all bullshit for the most part, but would you rather spend $15.99 on a supplement that has been used for thousands of years by the Chinese or south Americans where they get their foods from all natural sources, or do you want something that comes from out of a lab that can cost thousands of dollars (given, worst case scenario).
I once heard my friend say, dude... I'll never touch crack because that shit is man-made... I'll only do the shit that comes from the earth.... well this is the same theory, I guess.
P.S. The supplement is %^&*%^&$. Hey, I don't want to lose my job.
I had a customer come in and tell me a wonderfully amazing story of how she met a man in Africa who gave a tribe a supplement to help keep them healthy, while all the other surrounding tribes fell sadly to AIDS over the course of months, his tribe was alive and well, for the next five years. What was this wonderful supplement?
I had the same customer tell me that when she asked her doctor of this wonderful supplement, he said that yes, he and his wife both take it. When she asked why she was never told of this "miracle" drug, he responded with; "I am not allowed to."
Being as that doctors are backed by the pharmaceutical companies, and let's face it, that's where the money comes from, why would doctors tell people about natural remedies for things that can help their condition? People would never come back to their doctors for things such silly things.
Yes the Internet as made it possible for people to do all their own research on things, but we all know that the Internet can and is all bullshit for the most part, but would you rather spend $15.99 on a supplement that has been used for thousands of years by the Chinese or south Americans where they get their foods from all natural sources, or do you want something that comes from out of a lab that can cost thousands of dollars (given, worst case scenario).
I once heard my friend say, dude... I'll never touch crack because that shit is man-made... I'll only do the shit that comes from the earth.... well this is the same theory, I guess.
P.S. The supplement is %^&*%^&$. Hey, I don't want to lose my job.
Monday, November 24, 2008
they broke up.
like almost immediatly after that blog.
i rule.
& i like her new boyfriend so much more. hah.
like almost immediatly after that blog.
i rule.
& i like her new boyfriend so much more. hah.
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