Let me Explain...

I grew up moving around every few years, however from parent to parent, house to house, it was mainly all within the twin counties (Monmouth and Ocean) of New Jersey. I never really left the 30 mile square radius. At the ass end of '06 I moved two states away to Maryland. It's nice here. I've made great friends, became accustomed to the smell of chicken shit, (OMIGOD! That horid smell- I thought I'd never get 'used' to it) and even found a job (now 2) where I can really be myself and felt comfy in. However, my heart is still in New Jersey, and no matter what you say about it, no matter how hard y'all bash New Jersey, it'll always be home. So I took my Jersey attitude, and stuck it in my back pocket so I wouldn't scare any of you (more) southern folks away. You willingly clicked on my blog - so if my jersey roots sometimes show, and you find yourself re-learning all about me in a new light, don't be surprised. I'm not saying you'll find yourself glowing green because some of my nuclear waste leaked into your head from reading my blog, just that after I learned to drive on the Turnpike, I'm not afraid to say/do anything!

Monday, November 24, 2008


they broke up.

like almost immediatly after that blog.

i rule.

& i like her new boyfriend so much more. hah.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Get a Few Drinks in Ya....

Stephanie's mission is to build up my alcohol tolerance before my 21st birthday in T-MINUS 12 DAYS!

The other night I had two beers and felt a little tipsy. Tonight I haven't even had a beer and I've already loosened my collar enough to make a fool out of myself in front of her (boyfriend???) who lives like 5000 miles away...

not really. more like 400 but who's counting?

Boys need to get something through their thick skulls: when you are dating a girl... long distance relationship, and you get a chance to talk to her new best friend on the phone, you don't say nothing, listening to her talk and pretend to be zoning out the entire time. Saying things like...

uhh... okay and K
and things like WOW you use big words, like ones that I can't even pronounce


& also,
don't be bitchy to your girlfriend....

I can pass judgements on your ass and then... hello guess who gets DUMPED... like Yesterday's Dog crap!?

-who keeps their dog crap for 24 hours anyway?

I'm not saying I have any power over who she dates, I'm just saying, I'm the one that has to talk to her about you and her relationship with you, so you better be smooth as a baby's fucking bottom, because the more I like you, the better advice I might be able to give on your long distance relationship bullshit....